Power Up Daily

How to Rewire Your Mind to Thrive and Live in Abundance

We are wired to survive through feelings of fear, threats, and lack, yet our soul deeply desires to thrive and live in abundance and joy. Therefore, in order to thrive, we need to consciously and deliberatley rewire our mind to think differently. We have to change our conditioned way of thinking and the quality of our thoughts in a transformative way if we want to change the quality of our life.

We all have the power to reprogram our mind to think and transform our thoughts daily. However, rewiring your mind is no simple task. You have to be ready, willing and able to challenge yourself and detach from your current way of thinking. You have to be ready to let go of negative thoughts and feelings when they come your way. And you have to have a deep inner desire to keep your focus on what you want, on opportunities, posssibilities, and how you want to feel, even in the hardest of timesor when things are not going your way . That includes focusing on pursuing your dream even when you are encountering setbacks; focusing on healing when you’re going through health issues or pain; or just simply feeling good when you’re down, frustrated, or anxious. To thrive starts with thriving within. It is a mindset and a way of being. It is the process of how your mind operates, and a way to live, not an outcome to achieve.

Your mind operates at both the conscious and subconscious level. In fact, the subconscious mind is almost a million times more powerful than the conscious mind. Therefore to change the way you think, you need to become aware of limiting beliefs at the subconscious level. Limiting beliefs keep you from thriving and run on autopilot if you are not conscious how they are impacting you. To become aware of your limiting beliefs, you need to become more aware of how you think.

Where Our Thoughts Come From

Your thoughts come from your beliefs and create your emotions. However, when your emotions are low, they slow down your growth and can keep you stuck. They create a pattern of thinking that can keep you from thriving to achieve what you want. Repeated negative thoughts can deplete your energy, rob you of joy, and victimize you without realizing it. Repeated patterns become a habit of the mind. They turn into mood and then become part of your personality. However, with awareness, you can shift your mind to empower you at all times.

Your mind is like a muscle that has to be trained and exercised how to think. When your mind is conditioned to think in certain ways, it creates habits of thought that keep repeating. When you recognize these patterns and habits of thought, you will become more aware of what is and is not serving you. Strengthening your positive thoughts and breaking your disempowering habits requires daily practice. It requires training your mind to shift and create more empowering thoughts through gratitude, meditation, visualization, reframing and self-reflection.

To expand your mind over time, you need to practice training your mind daily, especially when feeling emotional turbulence, difficulties, or negativity. A mind expanded does not shrink back to its orginal size. When you transform it, it is an irreversible shift. These shifts bring about different levels of transformation, and each level of transformation brings about higher levels of consciousness. This is a life long journey that never ends during our lifetime. It only deepens our soul and brings about a deeper wisdom, joy, love and enlightenment to experience.

To Rewire Your Mind to Thrive You Need to Elevate Your Energy

Our mind, body and spirit are all connected. We now know through scientific studies that the nervous system is not just in the brain. Our “mind” is also is in our body. The brain, the heart, and the gut are areas that provide significant information and each of them have their own powerful nervous systems. Our mind, emotions and body speak to us in different languages. We can make ourselves sick through our thoughts and heal ourselves through empowering self-talk.

When you feel heavy emotions, or lower emotions, such as frustration, impatience, disappointment, anger, anxiety, or just feeling down, your emotions are in essence in control of you. That’s when your emotions have a hold on you. As a result, stress goes up, brain waves function less coherently, and the body goes out of balance. To break this pattern, you need to elevate to a higher level of energy by quieting your mind, reframing how you think, and elevating your emotions to feel gratitude, abundance, and joy.

RewiringYour Mind Enables You to Take Back Your Power

When your emotions and energy are low, you are out of balance. To get back into balance, acknowledge your emotions, put them in check, and then elevate them. Meditate, visualize what you want instead of focusing on what is bothering you, worrying you, or scaring you. Meditation is a way of bringing your body back in balance and helps you reconnect to your soul. With awareness, you still allow yourself to feel and accept your emotions, but not let them control you. That’s what real transformational change is. It is when you are fully aware of the emotions you are feeling and are then able to deliberately shift them when they do not serve you. When you keep training your mind to create more empowering thought patterns, you will rewire your mind to thrive.

Learning to be more aware and able to view any difficult situation from a different more empowering lens enables you to rise above any adversity you face. This is how we rise above our lower emotions and stay in the energy of what I refer to as love and above.

Powershifting is a Technique that Rewires Your Mind to Thrive in an Empowering Way

The Powershifting technique is a practice to train your mind to shift your thoughts in ways that help you thrive. It is when you recognize that you are having disempowering thoughts or thoughts that are not serving you, and to learn in the moment to shift them to the higher power within you to elevate your energy.

When you learn the practice of powershifting, you will find the quality of your life continually improves and you will experience your energy going up. This enables you to be more joyful, healthier and more inspired in your daily life. It helps you stay hopeful, positive and inspired to live the life you want in your inner world, despite any difficulties you are facing in the physical world. It helps you improve in all areas of your life, including your health, relationships, work and your overall well-being.

To learn more about rewiring your mind, you can also check out my book, POWER UP YOUR VISION,. The book is based on the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and the science of success, with insights into the inner workings of the mind. It introduces tools and techniques that empower you to lead a more joyful, purposeful and fulfilled life. Get your copy now and embark on a life-changing journey.