Power Up Daily
5 Simple Ways to Power Up When You’re Not Feeling So Good
Our life isn’t always what we expect it to be. Things don’t always turn out the way we want. When the results you hope for don’t manifest themselves in the way you had hoped, it can leave you feeling down and possibly discouraged. But that’s the trap that you want to learn to remove because it can become a set of thought patterns that can become habitual if you are not aware of it.
Whenever you are feeling down, observe your thoughts and get curious on where your thoughts focus. Most of the time in such situations, the mind is stuck in something negative and get caught in an addictive pattern of negativity. Whatever the reason is for those thoughts, know that those thoughts are not serving you well and are disempowering you.. Low emotions create an energy that robs us of our happiness and is damaging to our health. There is a scale of low emotions, none of which help us grow or thrive. If you do not feel good or inspired, know that there is low energy at work in your mind that is affecting your mood. Your goal is to be aware of your thoughts so you can acknowledge, interject and replace those disempowering thoughts with empowering ones.
It’s normal to have low melancholic moods, but the good news is that there are many ways you can get yourself out of them! Simply by first acknowledging your thoughts, interrupting them and refocusing them, it will help you shift your energy in the right direction. That’s a power you have that gets highjacked, but that you can reclaim!
Here are 5 things you can do to reclaim you power, refocus your mind and boost your mood so you can feel better, more energized and vibrating at a higher frequency.
1. Move to shift your energy
A sure way to boost how you feel is to first just move so you can physically shift your energy. Walk away from where you are, drink some water, take a few deep breaths, stretch your body.
It is amazing how our energy works. Learn to shift it. Make it simple. Move, listen to uplifting music, walk, exercise, do some breathing meditation, or even some simple tai chi movements. Do something you enjoy or something creative that can activate the right side of your brain. Shifting your energy internally or externally will make a significant difference. You can shift your energy through your mind or through your body. Having even just a small success is a great way to build energy and focus on the positive. It gives you just enough motivation to get past that rough patch.
2. Smile to release happy hormone neurotransmitters
Another easy way to feel better is to just simply smile! Just try smiling and see how it feels and how it instantly changes your mood. When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides which message to the brain that we are happy, In turn the brain releases the feel-good neurotransmitters—dopamine, endorphins and serotonin – which are the hormones that promote positive feelings. All this relaxes your mind, releases stress and literally acts as a natural anti-depressant mood lifter.
It is so easy to smile and it is so easy to feel better by consciously smiling. Your whole body gets energized and your perspective shifts. It is also contagious to others. It lifts people around you and returns that energy to you to uplift you back even more.
Like my beautiful Mom used to say “smile and the world will smile back at you“! So true, so simple, and so powerful. So make it a point to always smile. Your beautiful spirit will radiate as a result!
3. Recognize and appreciate your uniqueness
We all have a special and unique blend of talents, abilities, personality, appearance, and purpose that is different from everyone else on the planet. There is no one else like you because no one has the blend of all your experiences, thoughts, beliefs, values and desires! Literally there is no one like you…. no friend, no family member, no colleague, and no stranger. That’s why no one can be compared. No one can possibly have the same blend and combination of what makes up a person’s entire composition.
Since there is no one exactly like you, why not focus on your unique abilities and put those to work to evoke positive change in your life? Reconnect to what you are passionate about and ignite your spirit. You have so much to offer and are more than likely holding yourself back from sharing your uniqueness with the world. Dig deeper inside and make it your goal to learn more who you are.
4. Reflect on past successes.
Another reminder to that can help you change your mood is to reflect on something in the past that made you feel really happy when you achieved it.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll begin to realize that you’ve enjoyed many successes in the past. If it makes you feel better, sit down and list your successes. You’ll be amazed how much you’ve done and how how much you’ve overcome. Think also about how you felt sharing that success with others and how you want to feel achieving the next success you want. This will all shift your energy from focusing on your low mood to focusing on what feels good.
5. Make someone else feel special
Making a positive impact on someone else’s life is one of the most empowering and uplifting experiences you can have!
Reach out and touch someone. Get out and be around others. Isolation and being alone can sometimes darken people’s lives. Just smiling at someone and thanking them for their service can help make their day.
So remember to shift your mind and your body when you’re stuck in non-productive feelings. Replace them with feelings that feel good. Since our brain is wired with habitual patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors, program the pattern you want. Make it a point everyday to keep rewiring your mind by focusing on the thoughts you want!