Power Up Daily
Use Your Heart to Be the Eyes Through Which You See Your World
Photo by Jay Antol on Unsplash
Your heart is the most powerful source of energy. It radiates an electromagnetic field that is 60 times greater in amplitude than the energy created by the brain.
Use the power of your heart’s highest qualities of love, joy, hope, and inspiration to be the eyes through which you look at the world. Allow your heart to be the eyes through which you see your life, your vision, and all possibilities.
Interpret all things and all thoughts through the awareness and eyes of your heart. The heart radiates and creates a high frequency energy that is tuned in with the vibration of love and wholeness. When we connect to our heart and breathe into it, all the systems in our body come into coherence.
Use your heart’s intelligence to inform you how to heal, how to be whole, and how to be grounded –for no matter what your question is, the right answer is always embodied in love.
The feeling of love is infinite and is abundantly available to all of us.
Remember that you always have within your heart the ability to bring yourself into wholeness, into balance, and into wellness through the higher emotions of love, compassion, kindness, intention, .
Just take a few moments to pause during the day and connect to your heart. Practice a simple heart meditation by taking some conscious breaths in and out of your heart. Connect to the feelings of love, and joy, and feel that energy expand and radiate all around you.
Live in this higher energy everyday and feel the shift of the energy that comes your way .
Below is a 20-minute heart guided meditation that takes you through this process: