Power Up Daily

The Four Levels of Transformation and Growth

There are four levels of transformation and growth to help us evolve, transform and grow to who we truly are at our soul level. Different spiritual leaders have come up with different mental models to depict these levels, which form our map of consciousness to help us understand where we are and how we can transcend beyond our ego mind to coexist with the blissfulness of our soul. According to spiritual leaders and self-help authors, David Hawkins, Eckhart Tolle, Michael Beckwidth and Vishen Lakhiani, these stages relate to the emotions and energy we radiate. They each radiate a different frequency of energy and create our relationship with the reality within us and around us.

Level 1 – Reacting to the world around you with the belief that life is happening TO YOU

Level 1 is characterized by recurring low emotions such as frustration, anger, anxiety, and fear, which cause emotional turbulence and create a sense of being stuck or unfulfilled. People at this level often externalize their issues, blaming others or external circumstances like their job, relationships, or finances for their emotional state. This mindset fosters a fixed, dualistic way of thinking—good versus bad, right versus wrong—that hampers personal growth and perpetuates negative emotions like division, fear, and resentment.

Most people remain at this level due to a lack of awareness. They do not realize that there is a higher way of thinking and living beyond these negative emotions. This state of mind, rooted in the conditioned ego, keeps individuals in survival mode, reacting to perceived threats rather than responding with a broader, more empowered perspective. As a result, transformation and growth can be slow and unpredictable, and the individual misses out on joy, passion, and a deeper sense of purpose.

Transcending Level 1 requires an awakening—a shift in awareness that enables individuals to realize they have the power to change their thoughts and emotions so they can transform and grow. By embracing higher emotions such as gratitude and love, they can begin to think in more empowering ways, leading to a higher level of consciousness. This transformation is essential for moving beyond the ego-driven state of mind and unlocking greater personal growth and fulfillment. Ultimately, to move out of Level 1, individuals must become aware of their ability to choose their thoughts and emotions, thereby raising their consciousness and achieving a more fulfilling life.

Level 2 Awakening to More Awareness that Life is Happening BY YOU and FROM YOU

In Level 2 we awaken to more awareness and consciouness, with the realization that we can be the creators of our own internal reality and the external world we create. We do so by recognizing that we have the power to shift our negative thoughts and emotions and step into our power to choose how we want to feel, what we want to achieve, and how we want to respond to what is happening to us, rather than automatically reacting in the same habitual way. At this level we stop being victimized by our own lower emotions and feelings and through practice we start building new neuropathways in our brain that create more empowering thoughts.

As we practice shifting our power in level 2, we build more resilience, inner confidence and peace within. We become more aware that we can change things and have some control over the world around us. We become more in control over our well-being and the goals we wish to achieve. People who practice at level 2, set goals, use techniques such as visualizations, and set intentions. The realize they can shift their thoughts and level up their mindset. They become more vision-focused, goal-focused and growth-focused. They use their vision as their power to see optimism, opportunities and a brighter, hopeful future, regardless of their setbacks or difficulties. By deliberately focusing on transformation and growth, we accelerate reaching the higher emotional levels that enable us to manifest what we want to achieve in our lifetime in a more joyful way.

Level 3 – Rewiring your Mind to Access the Higher Emotional and Heart intelligence WITHIN YOU

Level 3 goes deeper into the awakening of our mind. This is when we become more aware of how we can deliberately transform our thoughts and emotions to transcend lower emotions and to elevate our thinking and feelings to live in a perpetual higher level of gratitude, love, forgivenss, compassion, hope, inspiration and inner joy. This is when we realize there are two worlds we live in: our inner world and our outer world, each of which create the perception of reality for us. We get to choose how to transcend anything that doesn’t serve us at all times so we can live in at a higher vibration and energy.

It is our higher energy that transcends us from our ego’s doubts, fears, anxiety, self-centerdness, and false identity that cause conflicts and turbulence within us. Regular transcendenct practices such as meditation, creative visualizations, imagery, affirmations and taking the time to listen to our inner silence and guidance allows us to access our higher intelligence of intuition and our heart’s intelligence. This is when we start to learn to bend and create a new reality — a reality that enables us to become more, to be more, and to achieve more extraordinary things in our lives.

Level 4 – Living in the Higher Energy of Enlightenment and BECOMING ONE with the Energy of Life

Level 4 is the highest level of awakening that happens when we continue to transform and grow deliberately, and consistently with purpose and commitment to be connected to our soul. At this level, we become more enlightened, we vibrate more positive energy, more joy, happiness, and wisdom. Our energy is one of our highest superpowers. We are able to reach higher levels as a visionary. At this level we realize we can shift the world to make it a better place, not only for ourselves, but for many of those who we can impact in greater numbers. We show up in bigger ways, we help and inpire others to tap into their powers and their vision, and we start a movement that elevates our collective consciousness to increase joy and inspire the life for others.

We grow through these levels in circular ways and never in a straight line. When we reach a certain level, we do not necessarily stay there right away or at all times. We will fall, but we learn to pull ourselves back up with transcendent practices that rewire our mind in ways that enable us to upgrade the version of ourselves, who we want to be, and who we truly are at the core of our soul. Once we get to a certain level, it is always easier to come back up whenever we face setbacks and transcend our ego. Through spiritual growth, we become more compassionate, kind, loving, wiser, and more conscious of the difference between living from our ego and living connected to our soul .

A Valuable Roadmap

All these levels help give us a map to elevate our consciousness. They give us a valuable roadmap to understand how we can achieve a higher level of transformation and growth at a more accelerated pace. They enable us to gain a deeper insight on where we are in our journey, and how we can grow to be better human beings, to help grow humanity and to make the world a better place for our next generations to come.

To learn more about the inner workings of your mind and how to use your power to overcome and transcend difficulties, create the future you desire, and continually level up yourself and your life, check out my book on Amazon POWER UP YOUR VISION, Take Back Control, Empower Yourself, Live Your Best Life Daily.